A Week in Germany
For spring break I was blessed to have the opportunity to travel to Germany for a study abroad program thanks to the Wendy Gillespie Center at SDSU.
Here are some reasons as to why this trip was so rewarding.

Newfound Intimacy
I never would have imagined that I would get so close to my classmates in only a few days. This trip has turned complete strangers into life-long friends by forcing to me spend more time with them in unknown territories. As a result I was able to create strong relationships through great trust.

Exposure to a New World
For the first time I got visit the continent of Europe and it was as beautiful as I imagined it.
There were so many things that differed such as methods of transportation, stunning architecture, tasty foods, and cultural aspects.
Some of things I learned consequently was having to adapt to a new environment, intercultural communication, and problem solving in foreign environments despite having a language barrier.

International Business Networking
We have made quality our habit. It’s not something that we just strive for – we live by this principle every day.
I learned ways to communicate interculturally
Had the opportunity to connect with Bruggen and to visit SAP headquarters

*These photos were not taken by me and I do not have ownership over them
Global Opportunity & Wanderlust
After going to Germany for a week I have gained a new interest in global business. As I continue school at San Diego State University I definitely will study abroad, take more language classes and look for work internationally after I graduate.

In addition to new interest in global business, this trip has sprouted a new desire to travel and experience our beautiful world what it has to offer!